plot cosmetics

Joy Romanski jr988 at COLUMBIA.EDU
Tue Nov 15 11:23:32 EST 2005

Hi Carynelisa, (available from allows you to set
the x and y locations of the color bar.

Hope this helps,


Quoting Carynelisa Erlick <caryn at VMS.HUJI.AC.IL>:

> Hi all,
> I noticed some previous emails posted asking the same question,
> but I did
> not see an answer that worked. I would like to increase the size
> of my
> tick labels. As I understand, set strsiz only works with draw
> string, and
> set xlopts only changes the axis label, not the tick labels. Has
> anyone
> successfully increased the size of their tick labels?
> On another matter, I am trying to set the colors of the lines on
> a line
> plot. set cstyle does seem to change the line style, while set
> ccols does
> not change the line color. set line has no affect. Any thoughts?
> Finally, I have a standard version of cbar for contour plots that
> produces
> a nice color bar, but ideally I would like to move the bar closer
> to the x-
> axis. I have done something similar before by editing,
> but it was
> messy. Does anyone know of an easier way?
> Thanks in advance,
> Caryn

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