accessing data w/ gradsdods

Jean Pierre Arabonis arabonis at EGS.UCT.AC.ZA
Mon Nov 14 13:47:44 EST 2005


ga> sdfopen

and make sure that you are using gradsdods, ie the dods enabled version
of grads.


Dan Leins wrote:

> List,
> After a bit of trouble, I've gotten gradsdods 1.9b4 working on my home
> PC.  i'd like to use it to access model data on the nomads.ncdc server,
> but I'm running into a bit if trouble.   For example, if I want to open
> this morning's 06Z run of the NAM, I type in...
> "open
> but nothing seems to happen.  I don't get any error messages - it's as
> if it's trying to open it, but failing.
> Thinking that I may not have compiled grads correctly, I tried to open a
> station data file from another server, and it seems to work just fine,
> so the problem seems to be isolated to any time I try and open up model
> data.  Does anyone have any idea why this might be the case?  Is the
> syntax of my open command incorrect?  Like I said before, I had some
> trouble getting gradsdods to work in the past, so I haven't been able to
> experiment with it much at all, so I could be making a "newbie" mistake
> and not even knowing it.
> In case anyone needs it....this is the output of 'q config'
> Config: v1.9b4 32-bit little-endian readline sdf/xdf netcdf dods
> dods-stn lats athena printim
> Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) Version 1.9b4
> Copyright (c) 1988-2005 by Brian Doty and IGES
> Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
> Institute for Global Environment and Society (IGES)
> This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY
> See file COPYRIGHT for more information.
> Built Mon May 23 13:31:07 EDT 2005 for i686-pc-linux-gnu
> This version of GrADS has been configured with the following options:
>   o This is a 32-bit LITTLE ENDIAN machine version.
>   o Command line editing (readline) ENABLED.
>   o CIRES/CDC ( SDF/XDF interface ENABLED.
>     Use sdfopen/xdfopen to read NetCDF files.
>   o DTYPE netcdf is ENABLED; DTYPE hdfsds is DISABLED.
>   o OPeNDAP (a.k.a. DODS) gridded data interface ENABLED.
> (
>     This version is configured to access gridded data on OPeNDAP servers
>     via the sdfopen or xdfopen commands, or using DTYPE netcdf.
>   o OPeNDAP (a.k.a. DODS) station data interface (gadods) ENABLED.
>     This version is configured to access station data on OPeNDAP servers
>     via the open command.
>   o PCMDI ( LATS interface ENABLED.
>     This version is configured to write GRIB and NetCDF files.
>   o DAO ( Athena Widget GUI ENABLED.
>   o NRL/DAO/PCMDI XA or ImageMagick Image Output DISABLED.
>   o printim command for direct png/gif output ENABLED.
>     (via the GD Library --
> Does anything in there stick out as wrong or the likely cause of these
> problems?
> Thanks,
> Dan Leins

Jean Pierre Arabonis
arabonis at
Tel 021 780 1021 cell 084 401 1365
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