Mask Ocean

Madhusoodanan M.S. madhu at CAOS.IISC.ERNET.IN
Fri Nov 11 10:14:48 EST 2005


you can use the following syntax to mask ocean

set gxout shaded'
'd var'
'basemap o 0'


On Fri, 11 Nov 2005, Bamba Sylla wrote:

> Dear All !
> I have some simulations for west africa (35W-35E;
> 5S-35N) in NetCDF file. i would like to plot only the
> land and mask the ocean. i have already downloaded the
> olopy and llopy ascii files but i don't know what to
> do with and how to modify the script to
> mask the ocean.
> If someone can suggest me an idea, it will be helpful
> !
> Thanks, Cheers !
> M. Bamba SYLLA
> Laboratoire de Physique de l'Atmosphère Siméon Fongang
> Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique
> Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar
> BP : 5085 Dakar-Fann, SENEGAL
> Tel : (+221) 825 93 64
>        (+221) 549 80 02
> Fax : (+221) 825 93 64
> Email: syllabamba at
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Madhusoodanan M.S.
Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore, India - 560 012
Tel.    +91-80-23600450, +91-80-22932505 (Off) Extn.220
Mobile. +91-92421-67339
Fax.    +91-80-23600865

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