want a map like...

Gudrun Nina Petersen g.n.petersen at READING.AC.UK
Wed Nov 9 09:55:35 EST 2005

Have you tried:

set lon -20 380


On Wed, 9 Nov 2005, James Palino wrote:

> Dear GrADS masters,
> Good evening.
> Most of the global data starts 0 lon to 360 lon,
> lat from -90 to 90. When you will display the data
> in GrADS for global. The lon map will start at 0
> and will end to 0 lon.
> I want it should start at 20W and should end at 20W.
> So that I can see the west Africa without choped.
> Is there any command in GrADS??!!
> (without shifting the starting lon of dataset).
> Thanks you in advance.
> Jam.. Pal
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Gudrun Nina Petersen                    I check my compass
Department of Meteorology               and head due south-east.
University of Reading                   A light wind covers my footprints.
PO Box 243                              I have no need of water.
Earley Gate                             I'll hit the oasis by dawn.
Reading, RG6 6BB

Tel: +44 (0)118 378 5568

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