Missing times in station data file

DaNa L. Carlis dana.carlis at NOAA.GOV
Fri Nov 4 21:34:42 EST 2005

Hi Users,

I am working with surface observations and I am encountering a problem with
missing times within the data file.  For example, here is a look at part of
txt file of a surface observation station:
Date       Time       Stid       Lat        Lon        Wspd       Wdir
7/1/2005   0:00       PHOG       20.89      -156.44    17.36      50
7/1/2005   1:00       PHOG       20.89      -156.44    19.96      40
7/1/2005   2:00       PHOG       20.89      -156.44    20.83      30
7/1/2005   3:00       PHOG       20.89      -156.44    19.1       40
7/1/2005   4:00       PHOG       20.89      -156.44    18.23      30
7/1/2005   6:00       PHOG       20.89      -156.44    12.15      40
7/1/2005   7:00       PHOG       20.89      -156.44    11.28      40
7/1/2005   8:00       PHOG       20.89      -156.44    11.28      40
7/1/2005   9:00       PHOG       20.89      -156.44    8.68       30
7/1/2005   10:00      PHOG       20.89      -156.44    10.42      40

The problem with this file is that the 5:00 data is missing from the file
and my question is should I go through the data and insert data for the
missing times?  I was thinking that I could put -999.00 in for the missing

The other issue is that when I run stnmap the data range is incorrect
because of the missing time.  For example, grads will believe that the 6:00
data is representative of 5:00 if I plotted this data in a time series.  I
guess I'd like to know what others have done when there is missing data
points when working with station data???  Thanks in advance for any help!!!


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