Country boundaries

Stefano Giorgetti stefano.giorgetti at METEONETWORK.IT
Tue May 17 11:23:30 EDT 2005

Dr. Rupa Kumar Kolli wrote:

> Hi,
> I have responded to a similar request quite a few years ago.  I use a
> simple GrADS script to define polygons to graphically mask out the
> undesirable portions of the contours (see, for example, the plots at
> Please try and see if the enclosed script can accomplish your task.
> Frankly, the script ( by itself is rather trivial and the real
> hard work lies in preparing the data defining polygons for masking
> (e.g., indmask.txt). The idea is to define contiguous polygons in world
> coordinates covering the whole area where contours are unwanted. This
> obviously requires the coordinates of map lines. You may either do this
> by manually digitizing GrADS maps or by using some existing data on map
> lines. You can prepare your own GrADS map data sets from lon/lat data
> (ASCII) using a simple FORTRAN program, which I enclosed with this mail
> (gradsmap.f). I think the hard work will be worth it, as you can re-use
> the masking data in any vpage settings.

Thank for the advice.
Can you tell me more about digitizing GrADS map files?


Stefano Giorgetti
Tecnico Meteonetwork :: rete MNW-CEM
Email: stefano.giorgetti at
ICQ: 82491870
MSN: djordj at

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