Find the LCL / 'define' problem

Marco Stoll stoll at GIUB.UNIBE.CH
Mon May 9 08:27:57 EDT 2005

Dear GrADS users,

I try to calculate LCL in my gridded data set (terrain following model

My algorithm steps upward from the surface iteratively always one
level, calculates the thetaE at this level and compares
with the mixing ratio in order to check, wether LCL is reached or not.

This works fine for one single gridpoint, but how can I find
the LCL's over the whole domain? Since, it is reached at
different vertical levels, I cannot just do the calculation
with the whole array.....

Is there a way to go through every gridpoint and define
a single variable 'lcl' dependent on lat/lon?

Thanks in advance for your help and proposals,


Marco Stoll, Student of Geography
Zaelglistrasse 18
3202 Frauenkappelen, Switzerland

Institute of Geography, Universtity of Bern
Climatology/Meteorology Group

email: stoll at
Phone: 0041 31 920 03 53
Mobile: 0041 78 759 83 29

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