Segmentation fault
Jennifer Adams
Thu May 5 21:08:00 EDT 2005
Hi, Steve --
The WRF model output is on a pre-projected Lambert grid -- what you
need to display it properly is PDEF LCCR with a dtype netcdf descriptor
file. (That's the GrADS equivalent of "take two aspirin and call me in
the morning!") Fortunately, this is code that has already been written,
tested, and documented (!). The only thing missing is the GrADS
release, which I am in the process of preparing (thus the
documentation). When it's ready, you'll have to upgrade to 1.9b4, but
we have a redhat 7.1 system here at COLA which is probably compatible
with yours, so one of our binary releases should work for you. You can
try out the 1.9b3 release and see if it works on your system, but the
pdef lccr stuff isn't in there; you'll get an error message that says
"PDEF not fully implemented for dtype netcdf/hdfsds".
On May 5, 2005, at 6:18 PM, Ghan, Steven J wrote:
> I'm trying to display netcdf history from wrf. The ncdump -h of this
> file is attached. <<wrfout_d01_0001-01-01_00_00_00.2d.ncdump>>
> I open it with xdfopen using the following ddf file
> DSET ./wrfout_d01_0001-01-01_00:00:00.2d
> TITLE wrf
> UNDEF 99999.0
> XDEF west_east 201 LINEAR 0.0 0.25
> YDEF south_north 2 LINEAR 0.0 0.1
> ZDEF bottom_top 80 LINEAR .125 .250
> TDEF Time 13 LINEAR 0Z1JAN01 5mn
> VARS 4
> T=>t 80 99 perturbation potential temperature
> QVAPOR=>qvapor 80 99 water vapor mixing ratio
> QCLOUD=>qcloud 80 99 cloud water mixing ratio
> QRAIN=>qrain 80 99 rain water mixing ratio
> I can display a 1-d slice of any number of fields, but when I try to
> display in more than one dimension (i.e., a contour plot) I can only
> display once. The second display always produces a segmentation fault,
> even if it is for the same field and dimensions. Any ideas what the
> problem might be?
> I am using gradsnc v1.8SL11 on linux redhat 7.3
> -Steve Ghan
> <wrfout_d01_0001-01-01_00_00_00.2d.ncdump>
Jennifer M. Adams
4041 Powder Mill Rd., Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705
jma at
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