How can I save the the out

raghu raghu at NCMRWF.GOV.IN
Thu May 5 00:04:48 EDT 2005


It writes NetCDF, HDF-SDS or GRIB files from GrADS.


---------- Original Message -----------
From: "C. Shaji" <cshaji at UMASSD.EDU>
Sent: Wed, 4 May 2005 23:11:51 -0400
Subject: How can I save the the out

> Dear All,
>  I need some help for saving the o/p in someway so that I can use it
> later in FORTRAN or MATLAB. Let me explain it.
> reinit'
> 'sdfopen'
> 'sdfopen'
> 'set t 1 12'
> 'define stresscurl=(hcurl(tauu.1,tauv.2))*1.0e06'
> 'd 'stresscurl
> ga-> q dims
> Default file number is: 1
> X is varying   Lon = 0 to 360   X = 180.5 to 540.5
> Y is varying   Lat = -84.5 to 84.5   Y = 1 to 170
> Z is fixed     Lev = 0  Z = 1
> T is varying   Time = 00Z01JAN2 to 00Z01DEC2  T = 1 to 12
> Is there any effective way I can write the arrays stresscurl, lat,
> lon and time in netcdf format in GrADS so that I should be able to
> use this o/p in MATLAB later on ?
> I will highly appreciate any suggestion on this.
> Thanks in advance,
> C. Shaji
------- End of Original Message -------

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