tregr function

Dan Swank Dan.Swank at NOAA.GOV
Tue May 3 10:09:50 EDT 2005


This works nicely, thank you.


Arindam Chakraborty wrote:
> hi Dan,
>         this example makes arrays of value 1-100 over every grid point
> of the domain.
>  'open file'
> * set region of x, y and t varying
>  'set x 1 256'
>  'set y 1 128'
>  'set t 1 100'
> * a constant field of 1, assuming the variable name to be var
>  'define ones = var/var'
> * but this will have undef values if var==0 or undef.
> * change those to 1
>  'define ones = const(ones,1,-u)'
> * now we can have the time variable
>  'define tvar = 101 - sum(ones,t+0,t=100)'
>  'd tvar'
> Hope this helps.
> ----------------------------
>  Department of Meteorology
>  Florida State University
>  Tallahassee, FL-32306, USA
>  Tel: +001-850-6443524 (Off)
>       +001-850-5758550 (Res)
>  Fax: +001-850-6449642
> ____________________________
> On Mon, 2 May 2005, Dan Swank wrote:
>>Looking for some quick advice on using this function.
>>I have a single level 144 lon x 90 lat grid with 100 time steps.
>>I want to do a linear regression using tregr() on each of the x/y grid
>>cells (100 data points in each). and plot the slope of the regression
>>lines on a plot.
>>My problem is with the first argument.  If i am correct, the first arg
>>defines the values to be used on the x-axis for the regression, while
>>the 100 time values go on the y-axis.  I have tried putting a aave() of
>>the same variable for this argument as shown in the docs for the
>>function but this does not give me what i'm looking for.
>>How can I 'define' a simple 1-D variable with values 1-100 to use for
>>this argument?
>>Thanks for any help,

Dan Swank <dan.swank at>
NOMADS programmer
Contractor - STG, Incorporated
151 Patton Avenue, Room 514
Asheville, NC 28801
Phone: 828-271-4007

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