Y-axis on RHS
Francis P A
Wed Mar 2 12:08:01 EST 2005
I think an easier method is to use 'ylops r(l)'. You may use
'ylopts' for more options like color and thickness. See Grads manual for
more details.
On Wed, 2 Mar 2005, Ethan M Greene wrote:
> Dear Lynette,
> Below is a function I use to draw a secondary y axis for some plots of heat
> flux. It is not as generic as I would like, but it should work of you with
> a few modifications. The basic idea is that you plot the primary variable
> using the normal method (i.e. 'd whatever'). Then turn ylab off, set the
> vertical scale to whatever you want, plot the variable for the second y
> axis. Since you know the vertical length (height) of the plot and the range
> of your variable you can draw the secondary axis. In the code below I am
> plotting % from 0 to 150 in increments of 10. The function needs the max
> value of your secondary variable and the increment you want on the plot.
> Please write if this doesn't make sense.
> Good luck,
> Ethan
> 'd first_var' <- display first var
> 'set ylab off' <- turn off y axis label
> 'set vrange 0 150' <- reset y scale
> rc=yscale(150,10) <- call function with secondary y varilable
> maximum and the scale increment
> **********************************************
> function yscale (ymax,inc)
> 'q gxinfo'
> rec1=sublin(result,3)
> rec2=sublin(result,4)
> xlo=subwrd(rec1,4)
> xhi=subwrd(rec1,6)
> ylo=subwrd(rec2,4)
> yhi=subwrd(rec2,6)
> scale =(yhi-ylo)/ymax
> xl = xhi+0.1
> yht = yhi-ylo
> 'set line 1 1 1 c'
> i=inc
> while(i <= ymax)
> 'draw line 'xhi' 'ylo+i*scale' 'xl' 'ylo+i*scale
> i = i + inc
> endwhile
> 'set string 1 l 1'
> 'set strsiz 0.1'
> i=inc
> while(i <= ymax)
> 'draw string 'xl' 'ylo+i*scale' 'i
> i = i + inc
> endwhile
> 'set string 1 c 1 90'
> 'set strsiz 0.2'
> 'draw string 'xhi+0.6' 'yht/2+ylo' % Retained' <- you will need
> to change the y lable at least :-)
> 'set string 1 c 1 0'
> return
> Ethan Greene
> (970)498-1273 office
> (970)498-1212 fax
> Lynette Bettio
> <L.Bettio at BOM.GOV
> .AU> To
> Subject
> Y-axis on RHS
> 02/28/2005 04:38
> PM
> Please respond to
> Hello,
> I was wanting to do an x-y plot with two different y-axis scalings. I would
> prefer to have the second y-axis scale on the right hand side (rather than
> both scales on the LHS as it currently plots). Does anyone have any
> suggestions? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> lyn bettio
Francis P A
Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore, INDIA.
PHONE: 91-80-22932505 or 23600450
FAX: 91-80-23600865
email:francis at caos.iisc.ernet.in
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