netCDF Grads and Matlab

Jamie Scott james.d.scott at NOAA.GOV
Thu Jun 30 18:10:19 EDT 2005

You must multiply the values by the scale_factor and then add the 
add_offset for the variable in the file.  Grads does this
automatically, matlab and ncl don't.

On Jun 30, 2005, at 3:57 PM, Vincent MORON wrote:

> Hi all
> I have a question about the reading of netCDF file in … matlab. Sorry 
> for the posting in this list but I guess that someone has ones the 
> same problem as me. I am opening a netCDF file in Grads and everything 
> is OK. When I open it in Matlab with the function ncload (distributed 
> in the mexCDF packaging), the variable isn’t converted using the 
> scaling factors included in netCDF (for example, I have a value of 
> -32767 for rainfall), The spatial and temporal variability is OK but 
> the value are not properly scaled. Does anybody have the solution to 
> scale directly the netCDF variables in matlab ?
> Thank you in advance
> Vincent
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