To smooth the curve

Mary Jo Nath Mary-Jo.Nath at NOAA.GOV
Thu Jun 30 10:00:45 EDT 2005


When smoothing in Z, assuming you had N levels in Z and "var" is defined from Z=1 to N :

set z 1 N
define newvar=ave(var,z-1,z+1))
d newvar

I'm not sure what Grads does exactly when Z=1, since Z-1 = 0. Maybe it just does
a partial average over z to z+1. Same with the case when Z=N. But the other levels
Z=2 to N-1 should be the average z-1 to z+1 .

I believe you can do the same for smoothing in Y.

Mary Jo

On Thursday 30 June 2005 09:13, you wrote:
>>  Hello,
>>  I have a 1D graph (gxout line) and I want to smooth this line (in y axis)
>>  with GrADS.
>>  If "time" is the variable I can use the tloop function
>>  ("tloop(ave(var,t-1,t+1))").
>>  How can I do if the variable is z or y ? (tloop(ave(var,z-1,z+1)) is not
>>  correct).
>>  Thanks
>>  Christophe LAVAYSSE

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