Writing regridded data

Siraj Khan sirajkhan78 at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jun 13 02:52:15 EDT 2005

Dear all,

    I have regrided some data from 1x1 degree to 0.5x0.5 resolution 
using script regrid2.(just for experiment to see regriding)
When i display the regrided variable at any time step it is ok but
when i tried to write this new variable in a .grd file for all the
time step.
there is problem.That is when i open the regrided data file and diplay
it the picture is as attached .Some kind of mirror image of data is
Is there is any problem in writing file or some error in ctl file.
I am send both of these files .

Any help in this regard.

Siraj Khan

1- Research Fellow
Global change Impact studies Centre
First Floor Saudi Pak tower 
Blue Area Islamabad

2-MPhil Scholar (Computational Physics)
Department of Physics
Quaid e Azam University 
Islamabad Pakistan
cell No +923005232556
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'open CRU_PRE_1901-2000_1x1.ctl'
'set gxout fwrite'
'set fwrite CRU_PRE_1901-2000_0.5x0.5.grd'
'set x 1 360'
'set y 1 180'

'set t 't
'define p= regrid2(pr,0.5,0.5)'
'define s=p'
'd const(s,-9999.0,-u)'
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DSET ^CRU_PRE_1901-2000_0.5x0.5.grd
TITLE Regrided monthly  data
UNDEF -9999.
options little_endian
XDEF 720 LINEAR 0. 0.5
YDEF 361 LINEAR -90. 0.5
ZDEF 1 levels 1000
TDEF 1200 LINEAR 00Z15jan1901 1mo
s 0 99 Precipitation, mm/d

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