fwrite MM5 output

DaNa L. Carlis dana.carlis at NOAA.GOV
Thu Jul 28 17:02:28 EDT 2005


I am attempting to write MM5 output to a binary file that can be read by
GRADS.  I only want to write the u and v component of the winds between the
12th and 36th hour of the forecast run.  I've attached a portion of the .ctl
file that is produced using MM5toGrADS.

dset ^test24.dat
title MM5 data
undef -9999.
pdef   99   69 lcc   20.50 -157.20   14.00   11.00   30.00   60.00 -157.20
 2000.   2000.
xdef  202 linear -157.44  0.0090
ydef  133 linear   20.32  0.0090
zdef  28 levels
tdef  49 linear 00:00Z24JUL2005  1hr
vars 28
u         28 99 u wind (m/s)
v         28 99 v wind (m/s)

Here is a copy of my .gs file that I'm using to write the data:

'open test24.ctl'
'set x 1 201'
'set y 1 132'
'set gxout fwrite'
'set fwrite uv.dat'
while (t<=36)
'set t 't
'd u'
'd v'

The .ctl file that is used to read the uv.dat binary file is the following:

dset ^uv.dat
title wind data
undef -9999.
xdef  202 linear -157.44  0.0090
ydef  133 linear   20.32 0.0090
zdef  1 levels 0.99900
tdef 24 linear 12:00Z24JUL2005   1hr
vars 2
u         0 99 u wind (m/s)
v    0 99 u wind (m/s)

So, the problem that I'm having is that I can write the data to the binary
file, but when I open up grads to display the data that I wrote the plots
are shifted or skewed.  The display at time t=1 is fine, but as I move to
t=5,6,7,etc.. the data becomes more skewed.  Please help!!

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