Grads Lat Lon problem

Oliver König k.oliver at T-ONLINE.DE
Thu Jul 21 13:50:16 EDT 2005

I am loading DODS data which contains sea surface temperature for the entire

ga-> q dims
Default file number is: 1
X is varying   Lon = 0 to 359.9   X = 1 to 3600
Y is varying   Lat = -70 to 79.9977   Y = 1 to 1501
Z is fixed     Lev = 0  Z = 1
T is fixed     Time = 03Z21JUL2005  T = 1

When I display the the entire data with: 'd water_surf_temp' then grads plots
the world map with the data starting at 0 degrees longitude (London) on the
left and stopping at 360 degress longitude.

I want to plot a map for the entire Europe (including the parts of Europe that
lie west of 0 degrees longitude (London). Therefore I tried:

set lon -20 30
set lon 340 -30

Grads either doesn't plot anything at all or it plots only the part east of
London. How can I solve the problem? Many thanks for your help.

Oliver König

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