Ensemble from multiple sources

Mandelli Alessandro mandelli.alessandro at TISCALI.IT
Thu Jan 27 14:42:37 EST 2005


Jun Wang wrote:
> Mandelli:
> After further investigation, the data from these two sources are found
> not same. The model is same, but the model is run on different
> computers with slightly different initial conditions. Nomad5 still
> gets data from the old run, and will be soon updated to the new run.
> ftprd has been getting the new data since Jan 25, 2005.
> Sorry for the misleading from previous mail.
> Jun
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Mandelli Alessandro <mandelli.alessandro at TISCALI.IT>
> Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 2:45 pm
> Subject: Ensemble from multiple sources
>>This map
> http://www.meteogiornale.it/mappe/mandelli/ensemble/spaghetti500_0.png
>>is obtained through server side extraction of ensemble data from
>>This one though
>>is obtained from grepping the source grib data 'enspost.t12z.z500'
>>fromftp://ftpprd.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/mrf/prod (again,
>>thanks to
>>Now: they are not equal, as I would expect; they don't even look
>>alike.Model is the same, init is the same, resolution is the same:
>>I would
>>expect the same output.
>>Any thought anyone?

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