Station data colors

Matt Alonso malonso at MESO.COM
Fri Jan 21 11:22:21 EST 2005

Hi All,

I had asked this before and do not recall ever getting a solution.  I
am working with station data and I wanted to plot each variable in a
different color.  The only possible workaround I thought of was just
drawing the plots on top of each other:

'd (-u);(-v);tmp;td;prs;0.0;cld;wx;vis'
'set ccolor 7'
'd (-u);(-v);tmp;td;prs'
'set ccolor 3'
'd (-u);(-v);tmp;0.0;0.0'
'set ccolor 2'
'd (-u);(-v)'

However this method does not work.  The windbarbs for each "display" do
not always sit directly on top of one another.  The same is true for
the numbers.  Does anyone have any suggestions for fixing this problem?


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