how to produce gif animation for power point

Shoshiro Minobe minobe at EP.SCI.HOKUDAI.AC.JP
Fri Jan 21 03:25:02 EST 2005

Hi all:

I found a solution with a help of Dr. Komine's suggestion.
If one specify loop count as follows, the resultant gif file
animate in power point. The loop option is not supported
in the convert command bundled for Grads for windows
(1.8SL11) with x-window. So, we need to download newer
convert command from the Imagemagick web site. This problem
can be specific Japanese version of power point.

convert -loop 0 delay 40 im-*.gif x.gif
*  infinite loop case


convert -loop 3 delay 40 im-*.gif x.gif
*  infinite loop case

Thank you Dr. Komine.
best regards,

Shoshiro Minobe
Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University
N-10, W-8, 060-0810, Sapporo, Japan.

Tel: +81 (0) 11 706 2644,  Fax: +81 (0) 11 746 2715
E-mail: minobe at

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