how to produce gif animation for power point

Shoshiro Minobe minobe at EP.SCI.HOKUDAI.AC.JP
Fri Jan 21 00:35:24 EST 2005

Hi all:

Does somebody know how can one make animation gif file for
power point (windows) using grads?

I produced gif files using wi command or printin command,
and converted them one animation gif file using the convert
command of ImageMagick, which is included Grads package for
windows as;

convert -delay 40 im-*.gif x.gif

The resultant file animates in windows picture
viewer and also in interenet explorer. But it does not
animates in power point.

When my friend read the animation gif file in Corel Rave (an
animation software) and export to another gif file. Then, the
gif file animates in power point. I with to produce gif animation
for power point without bothering my friend.

I am using grads for windows (1.8SL11) with x-window, and power
point 2003.

I will appreciate any help and suggestions. Thank you very much
in advance.

Shoshiro Minobe
Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University
N-10, W-8, 060-0810, Sapporo, Japan.

Tel: +81 (0) 11 706 2644,  Fax: +81 (0) 11 746 2715
E-mail: minobe at

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