template option for netcdf file

Arindam Chakraborty arch at IO.MET.FSU.EDU
Tue Jan 18 23:21:46 EST 2005

hi Li,
        it may not be possible to open those files with template
option with the existing filename convention. However, you can easily
open those if you rename the files deleting the last part of those
dates. For example, rename 1900-01_1909-12.nc as 1900-01.nc. After
that, the template simply becomes %y4-01.nc.

 Department of Meteorology
 Florida State University
 Tallahassee, FL-32306, USA
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On Tue, 18 Jan 2005, Haibin Li wrote:

> Dear All,
> I have some netcdf file datasets like this:
> 1900-01_1909-12.nc
> 1910-01_1919-12.nc
> 1920-01_1929-12.nc
> ...
> I.e., each data file contains a ten year period data, for example 120 time step.
> I wrote a script line like this:
> sdfopen 1900-01_1909-12.nc %y4-01_%y4-12.nc 360
> But GrADS is trying to open individual years sequentially:
> 1900-01_1900-12.nc
> 1901-01_1901-12.nc
> ....
> Is there anyway to open the file organized as I described
> Yours,
> Haibin

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