Specifying Z levels

Mandelli Alessandro mandelli.alessandro at TISCALI.IT
Wed Feb 23 16:23:03 EST 2005

Andrea Storto wrote:
> Hi,
> I'll try your suggestion to know what I can get,
> even if I don't understand how it could help me,

If your output is a grib file, you can try to run grib2ctl on it what
results it gives.
Based on this preliminary ctl, you may want to tamper with it to better
suit your needs.

The complete procedure (for windows) is

perl grib2ctl.pl -verf gribfile.grb > gribfile.ctl
dos2unix gribfile.ctl
gribmap -i gribfile.ctl

or simply

./grib2ctl -verf gribfile.grb > gribfile.ctl
./gribmap -i gribfile.ctl

for *nix


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