how to draw a image with color bar on real page (draw color bar on parea)

Dave Allured dave.allured at NOAA.GOV
Mon Feb 21 16:38:22 EST 2005

I think you have a mistake in your script.  You have the run cbarn
command after the printim command.  This means that the color bar will
not be included in the output file result.png.

Try moving the run cbarn command up one line.


z z wrote:
> hi all
> 1. I want to draw a color bar with But this color bar seems
> have to be draw on a vpage. I need a image without title, axix lale
> etc.
> The part of the script file likes:
> 'open test.ctl'
> 'set lon -67 -56'
> 'set lat 40 50'
> 'set t 1'
> ....
> 'set vpage 0 11 0 8.5'
> *'set parea 0 11 0 8.5'
> 'set xlab off'
> 'set ylab off'
> 'set gcout shaded'
> 'd z'
> 'printim result.png x800 y600 white'
> 'run cbarn 1 0 5.5 0.8'
> 'quit'
> if i used "set vpage  ' the color bar will be drawed on the bottom of
> the visual image. while it did not work on the parea.
> Any suggestion?
> 2 Is there any way to define the output interval of a variable?
> For example, there is a temprature variable defined in the control
> file. The output may range from 10 degree to 20 degree (11 lines with
> 1 degree interval) for a particular coordinate ((-67, -56) (42 48)) If
> I cahnge the narrow the coordinate to ((-65,-60) (43 46)), I still
> want there are 11 lines displayed on the image (may 0.3 degree
> interval).How can I do this?
> Thanks a lot

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