problem using grads and latsd4d to convert netCDF to grib.

Maurice McHugh mmchug4 at LSU.EDU
Mon Feb 14 14:44:16 EST 2005

Hi everyone,

I am having a problem converting NCEP reanalysis 2 netCDF datafiles to
grib using grads and lat4d.

The grib file appears to be created ok, but when I investigate further
and try to use the data I find that latitudes have been set to -90 to
-270.  Metadata for the original netCDF file are:

Variable: air
Type: short
Total Size: 521815680 bytes
             260907840 values
Number of Dimensions: 4
Dimensions and sizes:   [time | 1460] x [level | 17] x [lat | 73] x [lon
| 144]
             time: [1726872..1735626]
             level: [1000..10]
             lat: [90..-90]
             lon: [ 0..357.5]

The variable coordinates when read from the grib file read:

Variable: air
Type: float
Total Size: 1043631360 bytes
             260907840 values
Number of Dimensions: 4
Dimensions and sizes:   [initial_time0 | 1460] x [lv_ISBL1 | 17] x
[g0_lat_2 | 73] x [g0_lon_3 | 144]
             initial_time0: [01/01/1997 (00:00)..12/31/1997 (18:00)]
             lv_ISBL1: [10..1000]
             g0_lat_2: [-90..-270]
             g0_lon_3: [ 0..357.5]
Number Of Attributes: 8
   sub_center :  NCEP Ensemble Products
   long_name :   Unknown Variable Name
   units :       unknown
   _FillValue :  -999
   level_indicator :     100
   grid_number : 255
   parameter_number :    11
   forecast_time :       0

The code I am using to produce this grib file is run from a shell script
  and is:

$GADDIR/gradshdf -blc 'run lats4d -table reanalysis.lev -i
-o air.1997 -center NCEP -format grads_grib -ftype sdf -freq 6 hourly
-grid linear -title "NCEP Reanalysis" '

When ingested into the WRF model standard initialization package I
receive errors stating that the region I am trying to model is not found
within the datafile(s).

I wonder if lats4d/grads can handle netCDF data of type "short"???

Many thanks for any clues to resolving this issue,



Maurice McHugh

mmchug4 'at'

Assistant Professor
Department of Geography and Anthropology
227 Howe-Russell Geoscience Complex
Louisiana State University                       Phone:(225)578-0476
Baton Rouge LA 70803                             Fax:  (225)578-4420

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