viewing lambert projection netcdf files

Bryan C. Weare bcweare at UCDAVIS.EDU
Mon Aug 29 12:49:55 EDT 2005

Hi all,
    I want to view model output in lambert projection stored as netcdf
files using GRADS 1.9b2. says this can
be done and gives a WRF example. Looking at this I assume that this is a
matter of putting the right keywords and values in "global" attributes.
I have tried this. The file opens fine, but does not do the
transformation. Below is the relevant part of the ncdump for the file.
Can anyone help me?

        longitude = 88 ;
        latitude = 68 ;
        float longitude(longitude) ;
                longitude:units = "degrees_east" ;
        float latitude(latitude) ;
                latitude:units = "degrees_north" ;
        short lu(latitude, longitude) ;
                lu:long_name = "land use" ;
                lu:units = "index" ;
                lu:scale_factor = 1.f ;

// global attributes:
                :WEST-EAST_GRID = 88 ;
                :SOUTH-NORTH_GRID = 68 ;
                :WEST-EAST_PATCH_START_UNSTAG = 1 ;
                :WEST-EAST_PATCH_END_UNSTAG = 88 ;
                :WEST-EAST_PATCH_START_STAG = 1 ;
                :WEST-EAST_PATCH_END_STAG = 89 ;
                :NORTH-SOUTH_PATCH_START_UNSTAG = 1 ;
                :NORTH-SOUTH_PATCH_END_UNSTAG = 68 ;
                :NORTH-SOUTH_PATCH_START_STAG = 1 ;
                :NORTH-SOUTH_PATCH_END_STAG = 69 ;
                :DX = 30000.f ;
                :DY = 30000.f ;
                :CEN_LAT = 37.5f ;
                :CEN_LON = -121.5f ;
                :TURELAT1 = 69.f ;
                :TURELAT2 = 34.f ;
                :MAP_PROJ = 1 ;

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