Multi-level Station Data
M. Mahakur
Mon Aug 22 04:05:15 EDT 2005
Hello Random:
Once I had plotted the station data having several (21) pressure levels
(plevel) using GrADS. Below is a part of the FORTRAN code, which works.
do k=1,ns ! No. of Stations
end do
And in the ctl :
zdef 21 levels 1000 950 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350
300 250 200 175 150 125 100
Hope it will serve your purpose. I also did not found online
documentations or in the listerv at that time.
With Regards,
Random Person wrote:
>GrADS Users,
>I cannot seem to figure out how to properly use
>multi-level station data in GrADS. I've read all I
>can find in the listserv archive and have not yet
>found something that seems to solve my problem. I'm
>able to create single-level station files and interact
>with them in GrADS. I can also create station files
>with both single-level and multi-level variables and
>interact with any of the single-level variables but I
>cannot interact with the multi-level variables. I'm
>not sure if my problem is that I'm not properly
>interacting with the multi-level variables or if I'm
>not properly writing the multi-level variables to the
>data file in the first place.
>Based on an example I found in the listserv archive,
>to test if the multi-level variables are recognized by
>GrADS I issue the following commands:
>set gxout stat
>set stnprint on
>d a
>where 'a' is the name of the multilevel variable.
>This results in the following output:
>Data Type = station
>Dimensions = 0 1
>I Dimension = 0 to 360
>J Dimension = -90 to 90
>Stn count = 0
>Undef value = -999
>Undef count = 0 Valid count = 0
>Min, Max = -999 -999
>Cmin, cmax, cint = -1004 -994 1
>Stats[sum,sumsqr,root(sumsqr),n]: 0 0 0 0
>Stats[(sum,sumsqr,root(sumsqr))/n)]: 0 0 0
>Stats[(sum,sumsqr,root(sumsqr))/(n-1))]: 0 0 0
>Stats[(sigma,var)(n)]: 0 0
>Stats[(sigma,var)(n-1)]: 0 0
>Printing station values: #obs = 1
>I assume this means that it cannot 'see' the
>multi-level data since when I issue
>a similar set a commands for a single-level variable
>it lists output that ends with the ob ID's, lon, lat,
>level, and value. Assuming that this is a valid
>way to test that a multi-level variable is 'seen' by
>GrADS, it would seem that I have not correctly created
>the data file or ctl file.
>The version of GrADS I'm using is v1.9b4 (the
>Intel/LinuxRHE3 binaries).
>I created the data file with the following Fortran 90
> integer :: outunit = 12 !Output file unit
> character(len=8) :: stationid !Station identifier
>for grads file
> real :: lat,lon !Latitude, longitude
> real :: timeshift !Time shift of this ob
> integer :: nlev !Number of vertical layers (+1 if
> integer :: flag !Is there sfc-only data
> real :: height !Height of ob
> real :: ob !Observed value
> !Open the output file
> form='unformatted',access='sequential')
> write(stationid,'I8'),1
> lat = 45.0
> lon = 35.0
> timeshift = 0.0
> nlev = 2
> flag = 0
> !Write header
> !Write data for first layer
> height = 15.0
> ob = 12.0
> write(outunit),height,ob
> !Write data for second layer
> height = 25.0
> ob = 22.0
> write(outunit),height,ob
> !Write time terminator
> write(outunit),'TIMETERM',0.0,0.0,0.0,0,0
> close(outunit)
>My ctl file is as follows:
>DSET ^testcase.dat
>DTYPE station
>UNDEF -999.0
>TITLE Test Data
>OPTIONS sequential
>TDEF 1 linear 00:00Z01may2002 01mn
>a 1 99 no description
>For simplicity, this test case is basically a single
>variable at a single time with two levels.
>Running stnmap I get the following result:
> Name of binary data set: testcase.dat
> Number of times in the data set: 1
> Number of surface variables: 0
> Number of level dependent variables: 1
>Starting scan of station data binary file.
>Binary data file open: testcase.dat
>Processing time = 1
> ID,LON,LAT,T,NLEV,FLAG: 1 35 45 0 2 0 SIZE =
> Time = 1 has stn count = 1
> Max reports per time: 1 reports at t = 1
> Max data elements in largest report: 4
>Version 2 Station map file created:
>stnmap: WARNING!! This stnmap file can only be
>accessed by GrADS Version 1.9b4
>stnmap: WARNING!! However, GrADS Version 1.9b4 can
>read both versions
>stnmap: COMMENT -- use the -1 command line option to
>create a map for older GrADS versions
>stnmap: COMMENT -- use the -q command line option to
>disable the station header listing
>I have run other test cases that vary the number of
>times, the number of stations, and the number of
>variables and invariably I obtain the same results.
>All of the single-level variables appear correct while
>I am unable to get themulti-level data to show up.
>Perhaps this means that the process I'm using to check
>if the multi-level data is there is incorrect?
>I would appreciate any help anyone could offer.
>Brian Reen
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