anyone have a file they can send me

Y. Yamasaki yamasaki at FIS.UA.PT
Mon Aug 15 17:01:46 EDT 2005

Try to see if you have byteswap in your *.ctl. If not set
it.I did not undestand what is your real question.
good luck !

  Em Mon, 15 Aug 2005 21:08:54 +0200
  David Szenasi <dszenasi at AOL.COM> escreveu:
> I'm running GRaDS 1.8 on a linux redhat system and still
>getting a nan to
> ana interval inf error.  I also tried running the data
>an windows and still
> the same errors.  I have also taken the advice of many
>how emailed my last
> message and tried changing the options and still no
>success.  Does anyone
> have a good binary file and ctl file with precipitation
>that they can email
> to me at dszenasi at  It would be very appreciated
>and would help me
> in trouble shooting my data.  Thanks in advance
> David Szenasi

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