nps projection...

Miles Woodard mwoodard at UCSD.EDU
Wed Aug 10 12:40:07 EDT 2005


Is your grid defined in your .ctl file?
Take a look at the page in the Grads Users Manual for "data descriptor
file".  The pdef, xdef and ydef are the areas of interest to you I
think.  Here is an example of what one of mine looks like for those
three lines:

pdef   161  130 nps   81.001  164.000  -97.000   50.000
xdef   720 linear    0.000  0.500
ydef   150 linear   15.000  0.500

Good luck,

Miles Woodard
Graduate Student
Climate Sciences
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, Dept. 0224
La Jolla, CA 92093-0224
(858) 822-5831
NH 125

On Aug 10, 2005, at 5:31 AM, Madhusoodanan M.S. wrote:

> Dear Grads-users,
> I've one problem regarding nps projection.
> How can I display logitude(labels 0 -360)? The longitude labels are not
> plotting.
> Thanks,
> Madhu
> --
> Madhusoodanan M.S.
> Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
> Indian Institute of Science
> Bangalore, India - 560 012
> Tel.    +91-80-23600450, +91-80-22932505 (Off) Extn.220
> Mobile. +91-92421-67339
> Fax.    +91-80-23600865

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