No subject

Mariusz Pagowski Mariusz.Pagowski at NOAA.GOV
Wed Apr 27 11:03:53 EDT 2005

In Grads I read a file with model hourly accumulated precipitation
and store data in "hourly"   array.
I want to convert hourly accumulated to daily totals. and later process
it further. In fortran it would  look like that:

real daily  :: (nx,ny,30)
real hourly :: (nx,ny,721)


After different tries with a define I ran out of ideas
how to declare a daily array and assign daily precip as above
in the fortran code.

I would very much appreciate help.


Mariusz Pagowski
NOAA Research-Forecast Systems Laboratory*,
325 Broadway FSL/FS1, Boulder, CO 80305-3328
Tel: (303)497-6443, Fax: (303)497-7262
e-mail: Mariusz.Pagowski at

*In collaboration with
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA),
Colorado State University

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