Produce a new grib data

Charles g941001 at CCIT.EDU.TW
Thu Apr 21 23:40:49 EDT 2005

Hi! All
I modify some faults in my ctl file by myself, but still got the same
Any comment?
Thanks in advance.

*************the control file
dset pgb.fcst.1985.dat
dtype grib
options sequential
undef -9.99E+33
title EXP1
xdef  180 linear    0.000    2.000
ydef   91 linear  -90.000    2.000
zdef    5 levels
    1000     850     700     500     300
tdef 2 linear DEC1985         1mo
vars 4
presmsl        0   1,102,0 PRESSURE(PA)
hgtprs         5   7,100,0 GEOPOTENTIAL HEIGHT(M)
ugrdprs        5  33,100,0 ZONAL WIND(M/S)
vgrdprs        5  34,100,0 MERIDIONAL WIND(M/S)


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