Produce a new grib data

Mark gemark at GEORGE2.AS.NTU.EDU.TW
Thu Apr 21 13:38:27 EDT 2005

> Hi, There!
> I got a problem about producing a new grib data.
> After turning the primary data into monthly mean results with grads,
> I wanted to write the results into a new grib data, and use it with grads.
> How can I do this?
> Thanks for any reply!^^

Basically, when you want to write grid data for GrADS to plot,
the fortran code should look like that: (sorry I only know how to write

do itime=1,time
  do ilevel=1,level
    write(21) ((result(ix,iy),i=1,x),j=1,y)

And the options line in your ctl file should be added that:
options sequential

If you can provide your program code and ctl files,
maybe more GrADS users can help you more correctlly.


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