ifremer objectively analyzed salinity

Brian Nelson Brian.Nelson at NOAA.GOV
Thu Apr 14 15:28:38 EDT 2005

I did the same.  Don't use the .info on the end of the URL.

Don Hooper wrote:

>I just cut and paste that sdfopen command into gradsdods from 1.8SL10
>on a Solaris 8 running SPARC and it works just fine.
>>From owner-gradsusr at LIST.CINECA.IT  Thu Apr 14 12:55:23 2005
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>>Date:         Thu, 14 Apr 2005 20:44:05 +0200
>>From: Thomas LOUBRIEU <Thomas.Loubrieu at IFREMER.FR>
>>Subject:      Re: ifremer objectively analyzed salinity
>>In-Reply-To:  <200504141755.j3EHt1ZS029330 at spot.colorado.edu>
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>>It fails the same way with grads-1.8sl11 and GraDS 1.2.9b3 using the
>>gradsdods binary file, but I didn't try 1.8sl10.
>>Perhaps this could be due to a client installation problem (while
>>building the software for instance) or a wrong way to use grads.
>>Did you exactly ask for :
>>sdfopen http://www.ifremer.fr/dodsG/coriolis-atlantic-salinity-weekly-oa_v3_rt
>>Without anything else ?
>>>Did you use the gradsdods version of the GrADS client?  It works fine for
>>>me with version 1.8SL10.
>>>>From owner-gradsusr at LIST.CINECA.IT  Thu Apr 14 11:45:19 2005
>>>>From: Thomas LOUBRIEU <Thomas.Loubrieu at IFREMER.FR>
>>>>Dear Semyon,
>>>>I am the luycky provider of the dods url you're trying to use.
>>>>Actually, the openDAP interface is provided through GrADS-DODS server,
>>>>but unfortunatly we didn't test it with a GrADS client.
>>>>It's more or less working with ferret or matlab clients even if we
>>>>some unexpected behaviours of the server.
>>>>I've just tried to access the salinity dataset the way you did and I got
>>>>the same error.
>>>>I'm not a GrADS expert myself, so I cannot help you further. But I'd
>>>>like to know why it doesn't work and if I should change something on the
>>>>server side.
>>>>The dataset is archived as netcdf weekly files. They are aggragated
>>>>thanks to a ctl file, then read by GraDS 1.2.9b3 and distributed through
>>>>openDAP interface by gds 1.2.9.
>>>>I hope this helps.
>>>>Semyon Grodsky wrote:
>>>>>Dear all:
>>>>>Got problem attempting to access the objectively analyzed salinity in the
>>>>>Data reference is available at
>>>>>To open data I type the following in the gradsdods terminal window
>>>>>sdfopen http://www.ifremer.fr/dodsG/coriolis-atlantic-salinity-weekly-oa_v3_rt
>>>>>The response is
>>>>>Couldn't ingest SDF metadata.
>>>>>If this was an HDF-SDS file, try gradshdf
>>>>>Running gradshdf doesn't help.
>>>>>Does anybody has an experience on porting this salinity dataset into
>>>>>If yes, sharing hints would be strongly appreciated.
>>>>>Semyon Grodsky
>>>>>224 Computer and Space Science Building, Room 2409
>>>>>Department of Meteorology
>>>>>University of Maryland
>>>>>College Park, MD 20742
>>>>>Phone:  301-405-5330
>>>>>Fax:    301-314-9482
>>>>>E-mail: senya at atmos.umd.edu
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