Averaging areal values

Jose Fernando Pesquero pesquero at CPTEC.INPE.BR
Thu Apr 7 09:18:59 EDT 2005


What you´ve done is correct, cause in the final the Grads shows one
average area for each time.  If  you  wants to put those values in a
single graph you can attach a tloop around  the aave expression and fix
the x and y dimension. For exemple:
´set x 1´ and ´set y 1´

I really don´t know what´s happenig to generate the "segementation
fault" it normally shouldn´t appear.

Good luck


>   I am trying to calulate an areal average using
>set t 1 24
>define sum=aave(pre,lon=-18,lon=15,lat=4,lat20)
>for hourly observation for 24hours.
>This gives me a time series.
>But I want a single value representing the area and for the day. What
>should be the command to incorporate that?
>Again, what is the reason to having a "segementation fault" in your
>Ernest A. Afiesimama Ph.D; JP
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