Again, fwrite problem

Mark gemark at GEORGE2.AS.NTU.EDU.TW
Fri Apr 1 01:05:31 EST 2005

Dear Mr. Seman

Thank you very much for replying my question.
I just tried the method you provided.
Unfortunately, it can't work.
And the problem is same, still showing that:
forrtl: Bad file number
forrtl: severe (39): error during read, unit 21, file grads.fwrite

It is really weird.
File size is correct, including the information GrADS showed when fwrite.
Fortran77 program is correct.
GrADS ctl file is correct.
The first data (first time, first level) is correct, but everything goes
wrong after.

I doubt the problem is about wrap point, but I can't find any solution until

Again, really appreciate your kindly help.

Mark Wang
PhD Candidate of National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

> Dear Mark,
> Have you tried an unformatted read, like this:
> open(21,file='grads.fwrite',status='old',form='unformatted',recl=41*32)
> do t=1,tt
> do k=1,L
>   inum=k+(t-1)*L
>   read(21,rec=inum) data2d
>   do j=1,32
>   do i=1,41
>     data(i,j,k) = data2d(i,j)
>   enddo
>   enddo
> enddo
> enddo
> with a defined 2D array "data2d(41,32)"?
> Also, you may want to try specifying the RECL in bytes... see, for
> (the above web site was found using Google with search words: Fortran +
> read + recl)
> I hope this helps,
> Chuck
> --
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>  Charles Seman                                Charles.Seman at
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>  Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory         voice: (609) 452-6547
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